Welcome to M.Tevfik DORAK's Website


HLA and Leukemia


Major Histocompatibility Complex


Evolutionary Biology Notes


Essentials of Genetics


Biostatistics   &   Epidemiology


Music Notes



Mehmet Tevfik Dorak, BA (Hons), MD, PhD


Recent Presentations:

HLA Complex II: Clinical Utility (Miami Beach, 2012)

HLA Complex I: Genetics & Biology (Miami Beach, 2011)

Breast Cancer & HLA (New Jersey, 2011)

Insufficiencies of GWAS (Kusadasi, 2011)

Real-time PCR: Troubleshooting (Istanbul, 2011)

Iron Depletion in Disease Prevention (Birmingham, AL, 2011)

Childhood Leukemia Epidemiology: Hispanic Connection (Miami, 2011)

Genetic Epidemiology as a Probe for Disease Biology (Miami, 2011)

HLA and Disease Associations (Rio de Janeiro, 2010)


Latest paper reporting rs2395185 as a marker for the HLA-DRB4/DR53 lineage: Kennedy, Singh & Dorak. JNCI 2012


Curriculum Vitae


Last edited: May 26, 2012


Address for bookmark: http://www.dorak.info