HLA     MHC    Inf & Imm    Genetics     Evolution     Biostatistics     Population Genetics    Genetic Epidemiology    Homepage



M.Tevfik DORAK


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Open University (UK) Learning Resources    Curriculum Online UK

Virtual Courses on the Web .. BBC Adult Learning .. Education & Courses .. Journals

Global Campus .. World Lecture Hall .. RDN Virtual Training Suite (Internet for Further Education) 

Kimball's Biology Pages .. Biology Project .. Internet Biologists .. Ken's BioWeb Resources

Biology Encyclopedia .. NBII: National Biological Information Infrastructure

Online Biology Book .. MIT Biology HyperTextbook .. Biology Reference

University of Washington Online Biology Courses .. Biology Courses on the Web

Concepts of Biology .. Krempel's Biology Courses .. Biology Labs Online .. Eurekah Bioscience Database 

Science Line .. Evol Biol Resources (1) .. Evol Biol Resources (2)

Evolution 205 .. Ecology & Evol Biol .. Biology 100/101 (Illinois) 

General Genetics .. General Genetics BIOL 320 .. Intermediate Genetics .. Advanced Genetic Analysis BIO4241

Molecular Genetics 495 .. Primer on Molecular Genetics .. GeneLetters

Genetic Science Learning Center (University of Utah)

Population Genetics BIO434 .. Population & Quantitative Genetics ZOOL500 .. Population Genetics BIOL4181

Ecological & Population Genetics BIOL242 .. Quantitative Genetics Resources .. Statistical Population Models

Pop Biol Simulations    Tutorials in BioSciences

Biostatistics Glossary [MTD] .. Math & Stat Links [MTD]

Evolution [MTD] .. Essentials of Genetics [MTD] .. Infection & Immunity [MTD] 

Plant Biology 124 .. Biology of Plants .. Plant Mol Genet .. Botany

Ethology & Sociobiology .. Fish & Wildlife Population Ecology

 Amedeo Medical Literature   Medical Breakthroughs   HHMI   Science News   ScienceDaily   BIO   WebMD  

  New Scientist: Last Word &  Hot Topics    Scientific American: Ask the Experts - Biology 

Lifelong Learning by the Teaching Company (Multimedia Courses) 

Google Directory: Biology    JISCmail - Mailing List Service


NCBI Global Database Search    NCBI Resources Tutorials

Gene .. GeneMap .. GenAtlas .. GenCanVas .. GeneLynx .. iHOP

NCBI .. BLAST .. e-PCR .. GeneNote .. GeneCards .. GeneLoc 

Ensemble Genome Browser ..  Human Genome BioInformatics .. HapMap (Data)

Glovar Genome Browser: MHC Class III Contig View .. MHC Gene Table (Sanger)

OMIM .. OMIM Map .. NCBI Genetic Association Database

GeneMAPP (Gene Pathway Profiler) .. NetAffX

Variation Discovery Resource UW-FHCRC: VG2 (Visual Genotypes)

dbSNP .. dbSNP tutorial .. SNP500 Cancer .. HGBASE .. GeneSNPs .. WIAF SNP .. rSNP Guide

SNPtagger .. SNP HaploTag Calculator .. HaploBlockFinder

Affymetrix & Quick Query

 Searching TF Binding Sites  .. TransFac .. MFold  (Basic) 

NCBI Cancer Genome Anatomy Project    Pathway Searcher    KEGG

Molecular Biology Notebook .. Mol Biol Methods FAQ

Mol Biol Resources .. Mol Biol Protocols (1) .. HIV-Sequence Database

Ambion Technical Library .. Access Biotech

Restriction Enzyme Database .. Restriction Mappers .. Blast REbase .. NEBCutter

Primer Design Software .. Tm determination .. Oligo Analyser (IDT)

Quantitative PCR Primer Database - QPPD (NCI)

Sequence Analysis .. Tools for Working with Sequences .. OSA Seq Analysis Software 

ClustalW (help) .. BCM Multiple Sequence Alignment

Expasy Translate Tool .. EMBL Translation Machine .. JustBio Bioinformatics

ORF Finder (NCBI) .. Tools for Data Mining (NCBI) .. NCBI Site Map .. dbMHC



http://www.gene.ucl.ac.uk/nomenclature   2002

Human Gene Mutation Nomenclature (mirror)   Human Gene Nomenclature Search    Genomic Variation Databases

Ig and TCR nomenclature   Entrez Gene   Mouse Genetic Nomenclature

HLA Nomenclature    HLA Nomenclature Committee Report 2002 

General Allele Frequency Database ALFRED   HLA Allele Frequencies 


* * * * *

Immunology (Cambridge) .. Immunology Glossary .. Roitt’s Immunology: Glossary .. Infection & Immunity (Leicester)

Virology Course BS335 .. Virology

Bacteriology .. Brock Biology of Microorganisms .. Med Microbiol

Mouse Genetics .. Origins of Inbred Mice

Genetics by Klug & Cummings .. Genetics: Principles and Analysis .. Evolutionary Analysis .. Mol Cell Biol (Lodish)

Reading Room .. Harrison's OnLine .. Merck Manual .. Online Tutorials

Roitt's Immunology Online .. Kuby's Immunology .. Kuby's Immunology Chapter Notes .. MHC (Kuby)

 US National Library of Medicine .. OMNI Medical Info .. Electronic Scholarly Publishing

Virtual Hospital .. Visible Embryo .. WebMD University .. WebMD Health Videos

Multimedia Statistics .. Statistics (StatSoft) .. Introductory Statistics  

Biotech Graphics Gallery .. DNA Animation Laboratory .. DNA from the Beginning .. Dev Biol Cinema


MSc in Stats .. Open University - UK .. MSc in Math (OU-UK) .. MSc in BioInformatics

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Distance Learning Graduate Programs


Molecular Biotechnology .. UPresent and UGather .. Genetic Data Analysis

Chemistry & Biology .. Biology & Ecology .. Stat & Math

POPGENE .. Phylogenetics .. Phylogeny Programs .. Phylogenetic Tree Construction .. MEGA (Nei)

Genetics Software at Rockefeller .. EH Linkage Disequilibrium Software

Tools for Population Genetic Analysis .. WinPOP (Pop Genet)

Epi Info for Trend Test from CDC .. InStat Demo Version .. MVSP Demo Version

CLUMP (clump22.zip = Monte Carlo Statistics for case-control association studies)

Tools for Working with Sequences

GenePop (Online HWE, LD and more)   GDA    PyPop

Genetix   Arlequin v3.1 (2005)

See also Genetic Epidemiology for a list of relevant software


Courses on Video .. Courses on Tape & Video .. Videos for the Curious Mind .. iEducational Videos .. Am Coll Med Genet


 UK Research Funding   COS   Research UK   BBSRC 

World Cancer Research Fund    CONCERN 

 AICR (UK)   Breast Cancer Campaign (Project - Small Grants)   Komen Foundation

 Cancer Research UK (PBS Project & Small Grants)   EACR  

Wellcome Trust  (Career Development)   MRC (Career Development; Research Grants) 

 Royal Society (Project Grants - Conference Grants)

GrantsNet   UICC 

NCI (Funding)   NCI Cancer Control & Population Sciences Grants   NIH PAs & RFAs   HuGENet

 American Cancer Society   Leuk & Lymph   Lady Tata Memorial Trust (UK)

UK National Research Register     CRISP: NIH Awards Register


Instructions to Authors    Scientific Writing    Teaching Matters 

Tips on C.V. Writing & Job Applications    Tips on Funding Applications

New Scientist Web Links


M.Tevfik Dorak, B.A. (Hons), M.D., Ph.D.


HLA     MHC    Inf & Imm    Genetics     Evolution     Biostatistics     Population Genetics    Genetic Epidemiology    Homepage