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M. Tevfik DORAK


Address for bookmarking:


Introduction to Public Health {PPT}

Epidemiologic Study Designs {PPT}  

Bias and Confounding in Epidemiology   (PPT)

Principles of Infectious Disease Epidemiology {PPT}

Genetic Epidemiology & Glossary   (PPT)

Pitfalls in Genetic Association Studies {PPT}

Statistical Analysis of Genetic Association Studies   (PPT)

Childhood Cancer Epidemiology

Gender Effect in Childhood Cancer

Childhood Leukemia Epidemiology

MHC and Leukemia   (PPT)

Glossaries:  Biostatistics   Genetics   Genetic Epidemiology  


Internet Links:

Extensive Epidemiology and Biostatistics Links 


Online Epidemiology Textbook (BMJ)   Basic Epidemiolo​gy (WHO)   Workshop Report (2012): Epidemiology, Risk & Causation

CDC Publications    Human Genome Epidemiology Online Book (CDC, 2004) & 2nd Ed: 2010

Bandolier Guides

Online Courses

Coursera: Principles of Public Health (Z. Bic, UC Irvine) &  John Hopkins SPH Open Public Health Courses & Materials

Epidemiology & BioStatistics Super Lectures

SCIENCE: Disease Prevention Issue

 WWW Virtual Library: Epidemiology

 Open Epi - Epidemiologic Calculators & Epi Info




M.Tevfik Dorak, M.D., Ph.D.


Last updated on 13 Nov 2012


Genetics     HLA     MHC     Biostatistics     Evolution     Homepage